

BioMat TGU (Transfer- und Gründerunternehmung)@TTI GmbH was founded by Prof. Dr.-Ing Hanaa Dahy in 2022, based on the concept of BioMat@Stuttgart (2016) at the University of Stuttgart and BioMat@Copenhagen (2022) at the Aalborg University.

Our goal at BioMat is to explore innovative solutions for future sustainable Architecture. The design philosophy of BioMat sees material properties as a design tool, merging the fields of Material Research, Architectural Design, and Digital Fabrication to create feasible sustainable applications for the built environment.

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Radio interview (Horads 88,6)

This radio interview discussed opportunities towards future sustainable architecture both in Germany and globally and how BioMat Department at ITKE is supporting that along with all partners and colleagues of the University of Stuttgart and in Stuttgart region.
The interview was moderated by Mr. Robin Christoph Knapp who interviewed Prof. Hanaa Dahy and the discussion covered many interesting developments and ideas linked with sustainability in the building sector and the adaptation of similar developments from other industrial fields including electronics, automotive, textile & material engineering, aircraft design engineering, and others.