Author: HanaaDahy

BioMat Exhibition at the University of Stuttgart

BioMat offered an insight into its research and teaching by showing developed products and student projects in an exhibition at the University of Stuttgart. The exhibition showed examples of the novel bio-based materials and its application possibilities investigated so far. Furthermore, student projects on smart adaptive facade systems which are outcomes of MML Material Matter Lab were presented to the public.

Workshop with Students from CTU Prague

As part of the Material and Structure Course (MML II – Material Matter Lab) directed by Jun.-Prof. Hanaa Dahy, architects and students from CTU Czech Technical University Prague joined our students from the Bachelors and Masters program in architecture at the University of Stuttgart and 3rd semester ITECH students for a workshop in cooperation with IFB (Institute for Aircraft Design – University of Stuttgart).

Interview with BioPro Baden-Württemberg

BioPro Baden-Württemberg published an article on the development of innovative, ecological construction materials and methods at the University of Stuttgart including an interview with Jun.-Prof. Hanaa Dahy on its platform Bioeconomy BW which focuses on projects in green economy and products from biological resources.

Find the interview under this link.
For a more comprehensive coverage of the research at BioMat another article by BioPro Baden-Württemberg can be found here.

2nd year at the Hannover Fair

We are happy to be invited a second time at the Hannover Fair in 2017. The BioMat team was presenting current developments on two stands: as part of the Bioeconomy stand and as part of the University of Stuttgart stand in Hall 2.

Natural resources in Architecture and Construction

Hanaa Dahy and Jan Knippers published a Chapter about Biopolymers and Biocomposites based on agricultural resides in the book ‘Cultivated Building Materials: Industrialized Natural Resources for Architecture and Construction’ from Birkhäuser in 2017.

To request the chapter, please follow the link.

Article about Biocomoposites

Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hanaa Dahy published an article about the fabrication, design and customized applicatications of Biocomposites based on annuarl renewable fibres and biopolymers. The understanding of fabrication processes with various polymers is explained, as well as the different design strategies and possibilites.

You can access the whole article with the following link.