Category: News

Material & Structure seminar

Congratulations to all the students of Material & Structure seminar of winter semester 2019/2020!

After a whole semester of intense work on their small scale structural prototypes made from various natural fibre reinforced composite materials, on Tuesday 04.02.2020 they presented their final versions. We were amazed with the very high level of all demonstrators and how successfully ambitious fabrication goals were achieved by all teams.

BioMat Exhibition 2019

The exhibition is a collection of the latest research and student projects, which connect the fields of design, sustainable materials developments, biomimetics, and smart systems in architecture. New materiality has been evolved in cooperation with industrial partners and research institutions by using digital fabrication. The exhibition showcases a vision of the future environmentally friendly architecture.

November talk at University of East London

In the lecture, entitled ‘Towards Industrialised Architecture’ Hanaa Dahy shared both her own projects and current projects by BioMat students. She opened with an introduction to the organisation, which accommodates internal and external PhD students, and covers biometrics, smart materials and design and fabrication systems, to explore the potential applications of bio-based materials in sustainable architecture.

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BioMat at ACADIA 2019 in Austin, Texas, US
October 17-18, 2019 The University of Texas at Austin

Experimental Biocomposite Pavilion was presented at prestigious conference of Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) this year with theme’s Ubiquity and Autonomy

Zukünftige nachhaltige Architektur: nicht nur ökologisch, sondern auch smart, digital und multidisziplinär!

‘Zukünftige nachhaltige Architektur: nicht nur ökologisch, sondern auch smart, digital und multidisziplinär!‘ Veranstaltung „Vision Bau: Materialien, Technologien, Produkte” , DETAIL research Veranstaltungsreihe „Die Zukunft des Bauens“ in Kooperation mit der “Forschungsinitiative Zukunft Bau“ vom deutschen Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung, Hamburg, Deutschland.
