BioMat GmbH and BioMat TGU (Transfer- und Gründerunternehmung)@TTI GmbH were founded by Prof. Dr.-Ing Hanaa Dahy in 2024 & 2022 respectively, based on the concept of BioMat@Stuttgart (2016) at the University of Stuttgart and BioMat@Copenhagen (2022) at the Aalborg University.
Our goal at BioMat is to explore innovative solutions for future sustainable Architecture. The design philosophy of BioMat sees material properties as a design tool, merging the fields of Material Research, Architectural Design, and Digital Fabrication to create feasible sustainable applications for the built environment.
Interview with BioPro Baden-Württemberg
Natural resources in Architecture and Construction
Hanaa Dahy and Jan Knippers published a Chapter about Biopolymers and Biocomposites based on agricultural resides in the book ‘Cultivated Building Materials: Industrialized Natural Resources for Architecture and Construction’ from Birkhäuser in 2017.
To request the chapter, please follow the link.
Article about Biocomoposites
Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hanaa Dahy published an article about the fabrication, design and customized applicatications of Biocomposites based on annuarl renewable fibres and biopolymers. The understanding of fabrication processes with various polymers is explained, as well as the different design strategies and possibilites.
You can access the whole article with the following link.
Architecture & Interior Design Office:
Offering service and consultations as a registered architect in the architects chamber of the Baden-Württemberg State (Architektenkammer BW)
Technology Development:
For sustainable architecture and green technologies, technology developer
& implementer of new solutions in the built environment
Building Elements and Furniture:
Design, development & production of custom-designed and integrated functional building components and furniture
GIS & Remote Sensing Services:
Establishing new maps and onsite surveys & site analysis-database digital setups – 2D & 3D visualizations for investigated areas